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Privacy for registered users



For FRAGO Srl your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important, for this reason we pay the utmost attention in the collection and management of the personal data that you provide us during the creation of your Personal Account, adopting specific measures to guarantee their security, confidentiality and integrity, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (Regulation).


This Privacy Policy integrates the Privacy Policy of our Website, to which we refer for everything not detailed here.


If you are under 16 or are not an adult, do not provide us with any personal data: the services provided to holders of a Personal Account are essentially intended for adults. We therefore do not intend to collect and do not intend to voluntarily use personal data of persons under the age of sixteen (16), or under any other limit imposed by the legislation in force in the country of your residence.

We therefore ask you to refrain from providing us with any personal data if you are not 16 years of age or have not reached the age of majority in your country of residence.



This information is provided to users who register on the website owned by FRAGO Srl (hereinafter FRAGO and/or Owner).

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“Regulation” or “GDPR”), we wish to inform you that by registering on the portal, you ensure that FRAGO, as Data Controller (hereinafter also simply “Controller”) becomes aware of personal data relating to you.

To this end, FRAGO is required to provide you with the following information in compliance with the obligation imposed by the aforementioned legislation.

This Privacy Policy integrates the general Privacy Policy of the website.



The data controller is FRAGO Srl with registered office in Via Assisi, 15 - 62010 Montecosaro (MC) - PI:00168010437.



FRAGO has appointed a DPO who can be contacted at



Your data is processed for the creation and management of your personal account on our site.

3.1. Purpose of the processing

Whenever we acquire and process your personal data, this will be done exclusively in order to guarantee the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the data and in compliance with the principles of lawfulness provided for by the legislation:

  1. a) pursuant to art. 6.1 (b) of the Regulation, in order to
  2. allow the purchase of our products on the Website's E-Store, as well as to fulfill the related contractual obligations on our part;
  3. allow the creation of a Personal Account on our Website and the use of the related dedicated services.
  • allow us to respond to your contact requests and provide the necessary assistance;
  1. allow us to provide the Website services you have activated;
  2. b) pursuant to art. 6.1 (a) of the Regulation, or your specific and explicit consent, in order to
  3. conduct marketing activities, both through automated tools (SMS, MMS, messaging platforms, e-mail, push notifications) and through traditional channels (paper mail, telephone call with operator).
  4. c) pursuant to art. 6.1 (c) of the Regulation, to fulfill legal obligations to which we are subject;
  5. d) pursuant to art. 6.1 (f) of the Regulation, for the pursuit, under the conditions and in compliance with the constraints of the law, of a legitimate interest of ours or of third parties, such as for example the prevention of fraud, the improvement of management processes, the exercise and defense of one of our rights, the organizational and strategic optimization of the Company.


3.2. Categories of subjects to whom the Data may be communicated

In order to pursue the purposes described in the previous paragraph 3.1, FRAGO may need to communicate your Data to third parties belonging to the following categories: agents and/or local dealers of the products marketed by FRAGO; parties that perform banking, financial, insurance services; supervisory and control authorities and bodies and in general public or private parties acting as Public Officials or persons in charge of a public service; other companies in the group to which FRAGO belongs or, in any case, parent, controlled or associated companies; parties that perform data acquisition, processing and elaboration services necessary for the execution of the instructions received from customers; parties that provide services for the management of FRAGO's IT and information systems and telecommunications networks (including e-mail); persons in charge of IT security and maintenance; parties that perform transmission, packaging, transport and sorting of communications with Users; parties that perform documentation archiving and data entry activities; parties that perform customer assistance activities; studies and companies in the context of assistance and consultancy relationships; entities that carry out promotion and sales activities of products and services of FRAGO and other companies in the group of which FRAGO is a part.

With reference to the Data communicated to them, the subjects belonging to the categories listed above may operate, depending on the case, in total autonomy as separate data controllers, or as data processors or persons in charge of processing.

At the same time, the Data may also be communicated to any additional data controllers appointed by FRAGO as well as to the employees of that company in their capacity as data processors, always for the purposes indicated in the previous paragraph 3.1.



The processing operations connected to the web services of this site take place at the aforementioned FRAGO headquarters or at nominated third parties and are handled only by technical personnel responsible for or in charge of processing, or by any persons responsible for or in charge of occasional maintenance operations.



FRAGO currently processes your data without transferring them to foreign countries other than those belonging to the European Union or which do not ensure adequate levels of protection for individuals.

The data protection law allows the transfer of personal data abroad with the user's consent or where there is another legal justification and an adequate level of data protection is guaranteed.

FRAGO undertakes to ensure that, if data is transferred abroad, this occurs in full compliance with local and European Union legal principles and requirements, and that appropriate security measures are adopted for the protection of personal data in such countries/territories.



Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

Your data will be retained by the Company for the period strictly necessary to ensure the correct provision of the purchased services, except for the need to retain them for a longer period in compliance with applicable legislation, including accounting legislation.

  • the data we acquire for the purpose of user registration will be processed in relation to the services offered by FRAGO through its portal, exclusively for the purposes that fall within the institutional tasks of the company or for the fulfillment of obligations required by law or regulations. In the context of these purposes, the processing also concerns the data relating to subscriptions/registrations to the portal necessary for the management of relations with FRAGO, as well as to allow effective institutional communication and to fulfill any legal, regulatory or contractual obligations;
  • Your personal data, processed for the creation of the Personal Account and the use of the services offered, will be stored and processed until the Personal Account is closed by you. We inform you that your personal data will be automatically deleted (or made anonymous) after seven years from your last interaction with your Personal Account (for example: access, updating your data, new purchases).
  • The data processed for marketing purposes will be retained in compliance with current legislation and until your consent to the processing of personal data is revoked.

Upon expiration or revocation of consent, the data will be automatically deleted or permanently anonymized and you may be asked to renew your consent to processing.

In any case, you will have the possibility to revoke your consent to the processing of data for the aforementioned purposes, including marketing purposes, at any time: in each communication there will be a section that will allow you to easily revoke the consent given.

The data transmitted to any service providers will be processed by them for the time strictly necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to them.

Specific security measures are always observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.


The privacy legislation (articles 15-22 of the Regulation) guarantees you the right to access at any time the data concerning you, as well as to their rectification and/or integration, if inaccurate or incomplete, to their cancellation or to the limitation of their processing, if the conditions are met, to oppose their processing for reasons related to your particular situation, to the portability of the data provided by you, where processed in an automated manner for the services requested by you, within the limits of what is provided for by the Regulation (art. 20).



As a general rule, FRAGO does not knowingly collect personal data from minors. If it becomes aware that it has inadvertently collected personal data from such individuals, it reserves the right to act in such a way as to delete such data as quickly as possible, except where applicable law requires retention of such data.

The services provided to holders of a Personal Account are intended primarily for adults. We would like to point out that protecting the safety and privacy of children is very important to FRAGO, therefore we do not intend to collect and do not intend to voluntarily use personal data of persons under the age of sixteen (16), or under any other limit imposed by the legislation in force in the country of your residence. We therefore ask you to refrain from providing us with any of your personal data if you are not 16 years of age or have not reached the age of majority in your country of residence.


Apart from what is specified for the registration data necessary for the creation of your account, you are free to provide the personal data reported in the request forms or indicated in contacts to request, for example, the sending of information material or other communications. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain what is requested. For completeness, it should be noted that in some cases (not subject to the ordinary management of this site) the Authority may request news and information for the purposes of controlling the processing of personal data. In these cases, the response is mandatory under penalty of an administrative sanction.


The interested party may at any time exercise the rights provided for by articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation towards the Data Controller by contacting FRAGO Srl with headquarters in Via Assisi, 15 - 62010 Montecosaro (MC) by e-mail:


This Privacy Policy regulates the processing of personal data released by the User while browsing the Site and may be modified or simply updated, in whole or in part, also in consideration of the modification of the laws or regulations that govern the protection of personal data. The modifications and updates of this Privacy Policy will be made known to the Users as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the Site.

FRAGO therefore invites Users to regularly access this page to verify the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy. For this purpose, the document highlights the update date.


Last updated October 26, 2023